- Fully responsive
- Question elements are left aligned
- Logo placeholder and template options (since Limesurvey v3.x) to easily add your logo on the left, centered or at the right
- Tested with all major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari)
- Option to add your own footer/copyright text
- Feature for uploading your own favicon
- Option to add a custom logo at the survey list page
- Support for bootstrap button layout and bootstrap tooltips
Limesurvey Template Basic Reloaded
79,00€ – 89,00€
The classic “Basic” template with a modest grey/white/black color scheme, fully responsive.
Product Features
v3.x, v4.x, v5.x, v6.x, v2.50 to v2.73.1
black, grey, white
Recent updates
2023-11-30 (Tested Limesurvey version: 6.3.4):
- First release for Limesurvey 6.x -> Please pick 6.x top right at the “Limesurvey version” dropdown
2023-06-19 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Access keys for “Load unfinished survey” and “Resume later” options
- Fix: Removed redundant ajax and animation files
- New theme options:
- Question text alignment (left/centered/right)
- Show survey title (Yes/No)
- Show help texts (Yes/No)
- Show mandatory asterisk (Yes/No)
- Body background color
- Font color
- Question background color
- Other box width
2023-04-18 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Custom theme files and optimization for public statistics
- Fix: Visibility of privacy checkbox
2023-02-23 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Responsive width of other specify text box
- Fix: Font size optimization
- Fix: Language changer text adjustments
- Fix: Removed outdated Ajax files
- Fix: Disabled misleading update warnings
2022-08-17 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- Fix: Remove obsolete lime-progress.css
2022-05-20 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- Fix: Show progress bar at question pages only
2022-03-08 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Differentiate uploaded logos for theme/survey level
- New feature: Increase other specify box width
- Fix: Move checkbox before label text at data privacy message
- New feature: CSS for marking touched sliders
- New feature: Visual separator for dual scale questions
2021-05-19 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Increase main container screen width to 1200px
2021-02-12 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.26):
- Fix: Optimization for slider display on iPad and other smaller devices
2020-12-30 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.25):
- New feature: Custom error page
2020-11-05 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.25):
- Fix: Display issues at theme options (inheritance)
- Fix: Exit and clear label
- Fix: Added favicon check to prevent navigation problems with iOS
- Fix: File upload path issues
2020-09-05 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.23):
- Fix: Data privacy message not shown at welcome page.
- New feature: Improved array filter support (hide follow up question if no items at previous question were answered)
- New feature: Special CSS for equation questions, they have no answer container
2019-05-07 (Tested Limesurvey version Version 3.17.3):
- New feature: Highlight text fields on focus.
- New feature: Support for Bootstrap tooltips at Limesurvey
- Added new CSS for bootstrap button layout design
- Fixed broken theme options screen because of missing closing DIV.
- Removed Ajax mode option.
- Added default favicon.
- New theme option for popups
- Removed default setting for bold question texts so you can now highlight words using the editor.
- Optimizations for multiple options with comments Limesurvey questions (items are now left aligned).
- Added CSS for styling question index.
- New styles for array hover at smaller devices
- Improved boilerplate display.
2019-03-18 (Tested Limesurvey version Version 3.16.0):
- Optimized survey list overview.
- Improved footer.
- Added new feature for defining your own footer/copyright text.
- New feature for using your own favicon
- New feature for using your own logo at survey list page
- Improved “Print answers” screen.
2019-02-20 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.15.9+190214):
- Added “Show popups” theme option.
- Added container for on-page popup messages.
2019-02-15 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.15.9+190214):
- Adjusted config.xml for properly supporting logo settings.
2019-02-12 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.15.8+190130):
- Fixed broken config.xml file.
2019-02-08 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.15.8+190130):
- Removed background color from printable survey.
- Added JavaScript language changer.
- Removed progress bar where not needed (registration page, print answers view, …).
2019-01-08 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.15.5+181115):
- Optimized background colors when displaying array questions on mobile devices.
2019-01-04 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.15.5+181115):
- Improved slider display on smaller screens.
2018-12-14 (Tested Limesurvey version 3.15.5+181115):
- First release for Limesurvey 3.x
2017-06-14 (Tested Limesurvey version 2.65.2+170606):
- Fixed typo at template.css causing CSS validation errors.
2017-05-10 (Tested Limesurvey version 2.64.7+170404):
- Added new Limesurvey logo as favicon.
- Moved “Your Logo” placeholder to template’s “files” folder, adjusted paths.
2016-12-07 (Tested Limesurvey version: 2.57+161202):
- Template rewritten to support Limesurvey v2.5x
- Template now fully responsive using Limesurvey v2.5x
Previous improvements
- CSS adjustments for Limesurvey 2.06
- Styles for text questions harmonized
- Improved slider styles
- Improved “Array Dual Scale” question design