Our new Backy Limesurvey template comes with a modern design and many theme options. It is the perfect fit if you want to further customize the basic design according to your needs. You can easily add a background image and switch the transparency of the main question container on or off (have a look at our demo survey). A custom footer text can be defined at the Footer text/copyright theme option.
In addition to that there is a whole bunch of Limesurvey theme options available allowing you to:
- select the question text background and text color
- define different colors for rows at array questions
- adjust the array row hover color
- set you own colors for the Next and Previous buttons
- change the color of the progress bar
If there are certain questions you want to highlight, then we have a solution for you as well. Limesurvey 3 and later allow adding custom CSS classes to single questions (check edit question -> display settings -> CSS class). By assigning CSS class “differentcolor” to such questions, you can make use of the additional theme options Alternative question text background color and Alternative question text color. Use these Limesurvey theme options to define different colors for those marked questions.
Furthermore, this Limesurvey template supports several theme options for adding custom logo or favicon files. You can upload and enable custom images for:
- logo left / logo middle / logo right
- a full banner logo
- background image
- survey list
- favicon
Of course, this Limesurvey theme is fully responsive and tested with the latest version of all major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari).
Check out further Limesurvey 3/4 templates at this Limesurvey templates overview page.
Recent updates
2024-08-13 (Tested Limesurvey version: 6.6.1):
- Fix for transparency setting
2024-02-27 (Tested Limesurvey version: 6.4.8):
- Added more theme options to 6.x version
- Fix: Footer can now be customized based on textarea (requires Limesurvey version 6.4.4 or later)
- Fix: Support for multiple logos at Limesurvey 6.x
- Fix: Only show group container if details were entered at Limesurvey 6.x
- Fix: Apply default blue link color to clearall link, improve alignment
2023-08-16 (Tested Limesurvey version: 6.2.1):
- First release for Limesurvey 6.x -> Please pick 6.x top right at the “Limesurvey version” dropdown
2023-06-19 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Access keys for “Load unfinished survey” and “Resume later” options
- Fix: Removed redundant ajax and animation files
2023-04-18 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Custom theme files and optimization for public statistics
- Fix: German label at theme options
- Fix: Visibility of privacy checkbox
2023-02-23 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Responsive width of other specify text box
- Fix: Font size optimization
- Fix: Language changer text adjustments
- Fix: Removed outdated Ajax files
- Fix: Disabled misleading update warnings
2022-08-17 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- Fix: Remove obsolete lime-progress.css
2022-05-20 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- Fix: Show progress bar at question pages only
2022-03-08 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.28):
- New feature: Differentiate uploaded logos for theme/survey level
- New feature: Increase other specify box width
- Fix: Move checkbox before label text at data privacy message
- New feature: CSS for marking touched sliders
- New feature: Visual separator for dual scale questions
2020-12-30 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.25):
- New feature: Custom error page
2020-12-17 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.25):
- Fix: Center “Submit/Next” button if there is no “previous” button
2020-11-05 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.25):
- Fix: Added favicon check to prevent navigation problems with iOS
- Fix: File upload path issues
2020-09-07 (Tested Limesurvey version: 3.23):
- Fix: Include footer at inherit section
- Fix: Hide answer container for boilerplate questions
- New feature: Define color for progress bar
- New feature: Theme options for Next and Previous buttons
- New feature: Improved array filter support (hide follow up question if no items at previous question were answered)
- New feature: Special CSS for equation questions, they have no answer container
2019-05-07 (Tested Limesurvey version Version 3.17.3):